2017-18 Monroe Public Schools Foundation Scholarship Application
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in applying for a scholarship from the Monroe Public Schools Foundation Local Community Scholarship Program.
Please complete all sections of the Scholarship Application in order to be eligible to receive funds that have been set aside to help students who plan to go on to postsecondary education.
In addition to the online application below, the Applicant Appraisal should be completed by a person you select to be a character reference on your behalf. You are encouraged to select an employer, a member of the clergy, a job supervisor, or another person who is in a position to evaluate you according to the criteria. You may also select a teacher or a school counselor, but you may not select a family member (e.g., parent, guardian, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc.). Please provide the appraisal form to your reference at least two weeks prior to when you will need it completed.
Required questions are marked with an asterisk. If any optional question on the application is not applicable to your current situation, you may skip it and move on. If more space is required to adequately answer any questions, there is an optional free form blank text box field in section 13 to explain in further detail. Please indicate the appropriate section or sections the additional information relates to for reading your application.
All application materials must be submitted by Friday February 23, 2018 at 3 PM. We reserve the right to process only applications found to be complete as of the application submission deadline.
Thank you for your interest in pursuing a scholarship this year. We wish you the best of luck in this process as well as all your future endeavors. If you have questions, please contact us at scholarships@monroepsf.org or call 360-804-4317.
Monroe Public Schools Foundation Board of Directors
Helpful tips for completing this application
- This document is tied to a Google Account. You can use your student assigned one, or a personal one. This will serve as your login for the application. This year, we're allowing edits throughout the collection period. So, up until February 23rd at 3PM, you can return to edit your application at anytime by logging in with your Google Account. If you'd like to create a new Google Account, you can do so here.
- All required questions are marked with an asterisk. If you accidentally miss one, the form will notify you by marking it in red text prior to moving on to the next section. If an optional question does not apply to you, feel free to skip past it.
- You will need to go through all sections the first time and submit the application in order to capture your answers. If you aren't ready to answer a certain required section and plan on returning at a later time to answer it, just put a placeholder answer in there temporarily (this could even just be a single word) so you can get to the last section and submit it. You may then return as many times as you need up until February 23rd at 3PM to edit your answers.
- The Personal Statement (section 3) is where you will spend the majority of time on this application. We highly suggest typing out your personal statement in Microsoft Word or a similar word processing program, then cutting/pasting the statement in the form.
- The personal statement is your opportunity to tell us about you and your story of why it is important for you to attend college and your goals for using that education.
- Please DO NOT put your name in your personal statement
- Some starting points you may want to consider can include
- - What are you passionate about?
- - Who in your life has been an inspiration to you? Explain how he/she inspires you and why that inspiration has made a difference in your life
- - Who in your life has supported you? Explain how he/she supports you and why that support has made a difference in your life
- - How after graduating from high school do you believe you are going to inspire and support others
- The personal statement is your opportunity to tell us about you and your story of why it is important for you to attend college and your goals for using that education.
- If you have any questions at all, please contact us at scholarships@monroepsf.org or calling 360-804-4317.