Emergency Management Fund
The monies in the emergency management fund will be used solely for the purpose of preventing, mitigating, and recovering from a major emergency affecting the Monroe School District. Emergencies may include man-made (active shooter, violence, terrorist attack) or natural disasters (fire, flooding, earthquake). Specifically, these funds may be used for:
- Staff, community, or student training & awareness programs
- Emergency supplies, such as escape ladders
- Technologies, such as emergency notification and alert systems
- Physical security, such as subservience systems, or lock-down tools
- Personnel, such as security specialists or Student Resource Officers
All allocations of monies will be approved by the Risk and Safety Manager of the Monroe School District.
If you would prefer to contribute via check, please send your donation to the following address. Please also mention "Emergency Management Fund" either in the memo line of the check, or by attaching a separate note.
Monroe Public Schools Foundation
200 East Fremont Street
Monroe, WA98272-2336
The MPSF is a nonprofit organization which will make any donations made towards this fund tax deductible as allowed by law. Anyone making a donation to this fund will receive a tax letter in January income tax purpose from the MPSF.
100% of any money donated for this fund will be sent directly to the Risk and Safety Manager's fund.