Jordan Mark Borchardt Memorial Scholarship
We are honoring the memory of our son and brother, Jordan Borchardt, 2017 Monroe High School graduate. This scholarship is being created to keep Jordan’s memory alive and help someone further their education.
Jordan loved the outdoors so we would like to offer this scholarship to someone who also loves the outdoors and would like to further their education.
We are looking for a candidate that is planning to persue a career in Forestry, Landscaping, Landscape Architect, Construction, horticultural, conservation science, ecology, enviromental engineer, enviromental science, marine biology. A candidate looking to better their community through outdoor related works. The graduating MHS student should be planning to attend a 4 year college, 2 year college or vocational/technical school.
Requirements for this scholarship are:
Minimum 2.5 GPA
Has been accepted to a College, University or Vocational/Specialty school and has a planned program of study or major.
Preference to someone that attended Fryelands Elementary
Applicant should include a typed (1-2 pages) essay telling us about yourself, your dreams, your future education plans and career goals.
If you would prefer to contribute via check, please send your donation to the following address. Please also mention "Jordan Borchardt Memorial Scholarship" either in the memo line of the check, or by attaching a separate note.
Monroe Public Schools Foundation
14692 179th Ave SE
Monroe, WA 98272
The Monroe Public Schools Foundation (MPSF) manages the Local Community Scholarship Awards Program. The MPSF is a nonprofit organization which will make any donations made towards this Scholarship award tax deductible as allowed by law. Anyone making a donation for this scholarship will receive a tax letter in January income tax purpose from the MPSF.
100% of any money donated for this scholarship will sent directly to the college of the recipient’s choice.